Attend Top Transport Europe to expand your network, explore industry innovations, and engage with leading experts.

Satisfied Shippers!

of global satisfaction
Would like to participate again
Are satisfied of their One to One meetings
Have found a service provider to meet their needs
A woman in a black and white dress talking to a man in a red jumper during a meeting at Top Transport Europe, with 'NEXT LEVEL' written in the background.

Optimise your strategic intelligence during 2 days of business and networking!

  • CHOOSE, VALIDATE, and MEET up to 30 national and/or international contacts of strategic players in one-to-one meetings.
  • NETWORK with your peers, key market players in a friendly environment.
  • GET INSPIRED by a rich program that mixes technological approach, field experience feedback and prospective.
  • BE ACCOMPANIED by dedicated contacts to create your personalized schedule. Multiply the number of business meetings, over 2 days, by planning them in advance of the event.
Professionals sharing a meal and engaging in conversation at the Top Transport Europe event.

The invitation includes:

  • Full access to the event: workshops, conferences, round tables and One to One meetings,
  • Accommodation in a 3 star hotel for one or two nights: 15 and/or 16 October 2024,
  • Until 235€ for your air or rail travel*,
  • All meals and lunch,
  • Cocktail reception on 16th October 2024.
*subject to conditions - see GENERAL CONDITIONS OF PARTICIPATION 

By accepting the invitation, the guest agrees to participate, cumulatively :

  • to the event on 16 and/or 17 October 2024,
  • a minimum of 10 meetings within the 2 days with the partners, to be organized at his/her own convenience via an agenda accessible on the guest's personal space.

A complete range covering the market needs!

Icon for the transport sector


  • Distribution
  • Air, rail, river, sea and road transport
  • National and international courier services
  • Transit and organization of transport
  • Groupage - Unbundling
Icon for the logistics sector


  • Customs and logistics consulting
  • EDI - transmission and information system
  • Organization, control, management and optimization of computer flows
  • Storage, warehousing
Icon for the services sector


  • Computer equipment, software
  • Transport organizer
  • Assistance in setting up the company
  • Development and renting of warehouses
A fascinating exchange between partners and guests at Top Transport Europe

Be Invited

Are you a transport and/or logistics decision-maker? You want to challenge your transport solutions? Take part in Top Transport Europe!
Participate as a guest