Dive into the world of Top Transport Europe: a must-attend for transport industry professionals !

Our commitment? High-quality meetings and a business environment to encourage discussions

An unmissable event for transport decision-makers who are project leaders, our "guests": Transport & Logistics Directors, Customs Directors, Transport and Logistics Purchasing Manager... They come every year to meet the best solution providers, our " partners”!
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A Business Accelerator

Each guest-project leader has a schedule of business meetings over 2 days, enabling them to meet with 160 solution providers to find concrete solutions for their project.

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Priority to Networking

After the meetings, participants can continue their discussions in a convivial setting at lunches, coffee breaks and cocktail receptions.

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Ongoing Inspiration

Key market trends are discussed at conferences and round tables led by visionary speakers from the sector. The partners also organise workshops to share their experiences and their vision of the market.

Top Transport Europe participants lunch and chat at the Palais du Pharo.

100% Premium, 100% Decision Makers, 100% Business

Far from the hustle and bustle of a trade show, Top Transport Europe offers you a practical, original and effective formula: a real development tool and decision-making aid!

Shippers/logisticians with specific needs can come and meet transporters and logistics companies at pre-programmed, targeted meetings.

This unique formula will enable you to create and develop new, reliable business relationships with companies whose needs and skills have been identified and qualified in advance.

The Benefits

Time saving: You meet up to 30 national and/or international contacts in pre-scheduled business meetings. It is worth several months of prospecting concentrated in 2 days.

Reliable and motivated contacts: We offer you scheduled and formalised meetings based on the needs of each parties.

Friendly and relaxed atmosphere: In addition to the meetings, there will be several opportunities to network across the 2-days event (informal meetings, lunches, cocktail dinner...) and develop long-term business relationship.

Technological watch: For in-depth analysis and feedback on the latest news and challenges faced by the market, have a look at our conferences and workshop programme.

The reference of the leader: Our 30 years experience in transport and logistics ensures your one to one meetings will be qualitative and tailor-made to your needs and expertise with leading companies in the sector.

A man and a woman chat on their one-to-one date.

The 2023 Review!

Meeting at a Top Transport Europe stand with a poster on environmental initiatives.

Be Invited

Are you a transport and/or logistics decision-maker? You want to challenge your transport solutions? Take part in Top Transport Europe!
Be Invited
Many people on stands at Top Transport Europe.

Become Partner

Are you a major player in the transportation ecosystem? Join a high value-added environment and meet shippers with qualified needs!
Become Partner