Unveil key transport players at Top Transport Europe. A prime chance to interact with influential decision-makers.
lunch for transport industry professionals

The transport and logistics departments will be there!

  • Transport & Logistics Department
  • Transport & Customs Department
  • Transport and Logistics Purchasing Manager
  • Supply Chain Manager
  • Operations Manager


100% of the guests are decision makers!

Graph of guest functions at Top Transport 2023

Guests' distribution by function*

Key figures from 2023 surveys

Guests' distribution by budget*

*Key figures from 2023 surveys
Graph of guest budgets at Top Transport 2023

They share their Satisfaction!

"The very positive spin-offs are that today we're able to concentrate a number of meetings in 48 hours. This enables us to move forward much more quickly on issues such as prospecting, projects and so on, and to have a much more effective and efficient impact on our business."
La redoute logo, guest testimonial
"What I really wanted from Top Transport was to meet lots of different transport companies! The slot system is really great, as is the informality of the dinners and evening events, and the fact that there's such a wide range of carriers present. "
pepsico logo, guest testimonial
A fascinating exchange between partners and guests at Top Transport Europe

Be Invited

Are you a transport and/or logistics decision-maker? You want to challenge your transport solutions? Take part in Top Transport Europe!
Participate as a guest